blogged on , Saturday, June 28, 2008
Finally... its finally over... but at this moment, i couldn't feel any happiness but just a little of relief.. i know i should blame myself for being so lazy and had a last minutes work... So, i couldn't do my best as i can... This is not what i expected in this semester. SEM 2 isn't so hard for me except law. Then, it always make me feel that i can always feel relief and no need worry. At the end before entering the exam hall, i started regret. As i didn't had enough revision, almost every paper i can't do well. I know i can go through all those paper but just not pass with the flying colours that what i expected.
The worst situation that i ever had is before my second paper (FA1), i had a serious headache that i forced to swallow down two penadol. Further more, i had getting a bad news that its hurt me a lot and almost make me getting into a worst situation and burst into tears. The comfort from you is the best mental support for me. At that moment, your shoulder is always the most comfortable for me.
The third paper - law - is the paper that troubled me a lot. Everyone seem doesn't worry for that except me. "Don't worry! It's open book." The line that i heard the most when i'm worrying about law. I really panic and worry that i cant pass the subject. In exam hall, i just throw in whatever that i can in order to score marks. I just hope for pass. After law, i feel relief because the only subject that i worry already over. I enjoy this moment....
The last paper ECON is so.... The day before econ, then only i think of actually law isn't that bad since it is open book. I really hope that econ also open book so i don't need struggling at the midnight before econ paper. Now, then i realize actually i didn't finish those important part. I was thinking whether i should sleep and give up on that. But i'm sure i will regret if i sleep. Then i make a choice to continue study. Then, I almost didn't slept whole night. i slept at 11.30pm then wake up at 1.30am... This was really bad for the person like me who normally need about 12 sleeping hours. How can i stand to it? i really feel surprise that i can do it but i was very blur since 6am. My brain can't work properly. Luckily in exam, i able to think but the question is hard and i need to speed up or i not able to finish the question. The feeling of sleepy also gone. I know i not really answer well for my econ. its take time to understand the question but i had to compete with time. So, i just simply answer the question.
Finally the week that suffering is over. This is the first time that after exam i didn't feel like i'm really very free. Just feel like very trouble. I was very worry about you. Each time when your exam, i also very worry - just u don't know. For those previous exam, each time you say you don't know, but at the end you able to pass it. I think this time is really different, the subject we taking is different. I can't help you in the subject that you don't know and worry. I can't understand what's your feeling. I can't know what you know and what you don't know. I feel so bad that i couldn't giving you any help. However, i'm still worry about you. I also hope you can pass but you shows me the face that you can't pass. I'm so sad and worry.
Now, the only thing that can do is pray - pray for pass.
Now, should look forward for the redang trip. I prefer the moment now and i enjoy it. I wish the time can stop here. it's impossible.
Count down day - 4 days...
The important day for me is coming.... I wish there will be something special in that day.
* feeling down*
simply ♥ LOVE crown ! {/10:39 PM}
Name : Yi Qian
D.O.B : 10/11
your friendster url ..
blahs .
bleahs .
wish list here :D
STop My STudies
Leave this saddest place
go to a place that no one else can find me
loves .
hates .
C*b** cheap girl
Hiao po